Friday, May 14, 2010

Sitting in the airport in STL

I am sitting in the airport in St. Louis delayed for a life time so i am drinking drinks made from exotic juices with shots of rum and eating mexican food. The women sitting next to me was writing a blog and i asked her what she was writing about and she made a list of 30 things no one knew about her. She said it was hard because most people know alot about you so I thought i would try................
1. I love the taste of Vegemite!
( I cant find it in MSP)

2. I have been looking for a pillow like the one i had in collage for about a year. Bailey puked all over the old one. I Have not slept as well since it has been gone.

3. I have like 6 different deodorants
4. I hate the sound of people chewing gum.

5. It drives me crazy when people don't speak English correctly.
( my mom killed me with that, I cant take it)

6. I like popcorn more then any one can know

7. until Bailey came wally (the dog) slept in my bed every night with his head on a pillow.

8. I go to church a lot

I want an i-pad so much but i don't think i have a use for it because i have a kindle, mac book pro, Black Berry, and an i-pod. i still want one so bad i dream about them at night.

10. I don't like shredded meat.

11. I hate the taste of ham and i want bailey to dis like ham as well.

12. i like to get pedicures at the airport!

13. I have 30 i-tune movies and all but 5 of them are for Bailey she travels all the time.

14. If i ware an outfit to a funeral i never put it on again (just realized that one)

15. I bite my nails when i am board

16. i love to play wii but not by myself

17. when i am at a bar by myself people always talk to me even when i give the don't talk to me vibe.

18. I think the story of us is the best movie ever ( most people have never seen it)

19. when i was a swim coach i shaved some of my boy's legs outside in a large group

20. I can't think of 30 things