Monday, May 2, 2011

Do you ever think to yourself my kid is a bit odd?

people always think it is so cute and funny when kids do and say crazy things. I am not saying it's not but some times the things my daughter dose are down right odd. we love her and laugh with her most of the time. These are a few of my favorites over the past few weeks.

1. The other day Bailey took off her pants and put markers and paint on her butt. I asked her why and did not get an answer. (i hope she dose not get bunch of tattoos as an adult)

2. question from Bailey......
how dose the little mermaid go potty?

3. Bailey will get into a particularly odd mood and lick peoples clothing.

4. when she defecates Bailey talk to herself and says....
"I'm pushing the poop"
"I'm pushing the poop out of my butt"
"i did it"

5. I want to smell the dogs butt when he poops
(why is all i can say)

It is hard to make parenting glamor filled some times when you talk about body functions 75% of the time. But you can still have your Gucci bag and Jimmy Choo shoes and talk about poop and look fab doing it all.