Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Who is this women

 Rachel Uchitel, the party girl best known as Tiger Woods ho number 1can't seem to keep her hands off married men. I think she needs to go back to the hole from witch she came. If you ask me she looks a little skanky so i don't know what all these men would see in her. I thought maybe the Tiger thing was a slip up but apparently not.

Rachel also hooked up with this man who is married! I get that the men are to blame but come on girl the world is full of single men that would love you and respect you. Time to move past your daddy issues.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Your 2nd Birthday

I asked Bailey what she wanted to do for her birthday and her first idea was potty and her second was cow, sheep and pink. In bailey's world pink is princes so for her MN party that will be the theme. Bailey's 4 year old cousin Diego picked out her Colorado theme Yo Gabba Gabba (monsters). I think they are great themas but it is hard to find a real cow with a tiara to come to your house I only hope PaPa will put on the moono costume!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

In bad taste at a funeral- my mama raised me better then that... Thank God!

Don't do it! When it comes down to it shows a lack of respect

Put the girls away! come on laddies boobs are a no no at baptisms and funerals!

Any shorter then this skirt in down right inappropriate! look for a man or try to be sexy on your own time.

Last but not least keep your shoes on! who know whats on the floor at a funeral home...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Don't Hate the Hoff

What can i say dream about the Hoff once a month! I dream that i meet him in a mall in Montana. I just love him and I love the German people for letting this video happen. This was a number one hit in Germany!

Monday, August 9, 2010

This has been a long two weeks

As some of you may know in the past two weeks i have lost two grandmas. My mothers, mother died Monday July, 26 2010 and it was a shock because i was leaving Wednesday on a trip to see her. My fathers Mother died Saturday August 7th. We Knew Betty Jane was sick and her time with us was limited but it is still so hard to lose her. I have leaned on my catholic faith in this time but it is still hard to say good bye to these lovely ladies. All i can say is that i am hoping for no more deaths in the family we need some time to heal from all this.